As I got up today, I felt the smell of fresh coffee. I woke up to see a cup of coffee with some biscuits kept at my bedside table. This reminded me of home. The old school and college days, when mumma used to wake me up by serving a steaming cup of coffee. The aroma, the taste, so refreshing, still so fresh in my memories. A sudden thought hit me, "I was in bed, so who prepared this coffee for me? Is it a dream?" I pinched myself and that hurts, which meant I was not dreaming. I walked out of the room with the cup of coffee, in search of my roommate. I asked him whether he prepared that for me, and the answer was YES.
I was relaxed but somehow my heart wanted him to say NO. A no because I wanted to be in a belief that my mom prepared it for me. The whole scene reminded me of mom, and I missed her at that moment. I got ready for the office and all set to leave, when I noticed a lunch box kept at dinning table just for me. I thanked God saying, "finally he(cook) turned up". I took the box and left for office.On my way, I was thinking about those days, when mumma used to cook my every meal. All her possible ways by which she could stuff her son. I could not remember any single day when I slept without food. Maggi, chips, biscuits, all junk food was banned and I always cooked maggi when I was sure that mom was not around. But now, I no more enjoy cooking maggi for myself. Almost everyday I eat it, not because I like it, but because I am left with no other option at times.
This very thought brought tears to my eyes and I decided to call up mom.
I reached office and gave mom a call. The first thing she asked was, "Is everything alright?". I was speechless. And I thought, how the time has changed. When I was with her, I used to nag her by calling after every hour when I was out with friends. In those days she never asked me what was wrong, as she knew that it was my habit. My call at this point of day to her, means that I am in trouble. Time has changed, she is still the same, its me who has changed. But I continued my conversation saying that I just called up to ask how she was, and how are things going on with her. And we continued our conversation. Then suddenly an ice-breaker came when she asked, "Don't you have any work today?" I was shocked and asked her why she asked that, in reply to which she said, it was almost 30 minutes, I have been talking to her.
I hurriedly ended the conversation saying I have to attend a meeting. I lied to her and deep down I know, she knows that I lied to her but what else can I do? The lady with whom I used to have endless conversations, sleepless nights of gossips... has all ended. I am so occupied with my new life that I forgot to spend few hours with her.
I roll backed the time and thought of every single day that I have not spent with her. This made me realize that there was not a single day when I was busy, busy in a sense to neglect my mom. The lady who gave her whole life just for me, I could not even give her the time that she deserved. I remembered how I used to tell her about all my daily happenings and how I always failed to ask about her day. It left me all in tears. I missed her and missed her to core.
I was feeling ashamed, because it was a cup of coffee that made me realize her presence in my world.
We all are here, away from our family, living with our friends, who are our new family. We spend our lunch time with them gossiping about what's going in and around, weekends, shopping with them and even festivals as most of us are staying too far from home. And when we call home, we are in a hurry to hang up as most of are BUSY. Are we really that busy?
Think of the lady whom we have left back at home. She still misses her son/daughter at the dining table, although most of us enjoy our meals with our friends and colleagues. She still waits all day just to hear her son/daughter's voice at the end of the day and we, we spend our time on phone with friends
Is it really that we don't have time or is it just we are too busy with our new life?
I apologize to all the mothers in this world and thank them for what we are today.............
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hmmmm........the most commonly used 4 letter word i guess....aint it?
Ok how many of us actually understand the meaning of this word? Can anybody here tell me??
I could never understand the meaning! Ill be true to all of yew and myself....lets see how many of yew can be true to urself and me....
Here are some very generalised replies when asked what love is.
Some will say that love is just the feeling of divine and intense closeness!!
Some will say that Love is the feeling of care for that person!
Some will say that its nothing just the happiness which yew get when together!
But i never came across a definition which was accurate enough....everything that the people say is so damn generalised that I dont feel like accepting it.
I myself am not a very firm believer of love being very frank.
Yes I believe in the theory of destiny for your love.
I believe the one who is made for me will come in my life in some way which god has already decided, so why should I worry about it...I should enkoy the time god has given me...
The first time I broke up with the Gurl I thought I truly loved....there was this thing that she used to say to me long before the break up "I will not be able to live without yew!!"
But interestingly the break-up gave her so much power that she is into another relationship now!! Lol......
Yes I know, that life does not stop for any has to keep on going did she....
Just for the record I have no grudges against her of any sort. I am just trying to give an example by that...
So if people can fall in love again and can that be love??
I think it has to be infatuation...I dont think we human beings are intelligent enough to understand the thin line between Love, Lust and Infatuation.
You think this is crap....OK!! Lemme prove it to yew....
The purest form of love that I know of today is that of Mother and her child....
Can a child after sometime start loving some other lady as her mother? NO!!!
That is what True love is......So I think I have proved it fairly well that people here mistake infatuation or Lust as love.
Im not trying to say that nobody in this world knows what love is.....
Yes there are people who know what love is....and they show it when required....
They show the strongness when it comes to standing by their partner.
One of my closest friends was into a relationship since 5 years. They both were deeply into love....or so we thought!! But when it came to marriage the gurl dint want to go against the wishes of her parents.....Yes parents are equally important but then if you know that this is going to occur then why did they fall into that relationship in the first place?
I have seen relationshps of 7 years falling apart just like a card house!!
Is that love!! Im sorry if that is what love is then im not interested to fall into it.
I guess it is better to be a free soul and take care of urself instead of the false emotions of the other person...
I hope you ppl can also tell me what love means to you.....may be im wrong in saying what I just said....but that is from my experience...
Ok how many of us actually understand the meaning of this word? Can anybody here tell me??
I could never understand the meaning! Ill be true to all of yew and myself....lets see how many of yew can be true to urself and me....
Here are some very generalised replies when asked what love is.
Some will say that love is just the feeling of divine and intense closeness!!
Some will say that Love is the feeling of care for that person!
Some will say that its nothing just the happiness which yew get when together!
But i never came across a definition which was accurate enough....everything that the people say is so damn generalised that I dont feel like accepting it.
I myself am not a very firm believer of love being very frank.
Yes I believe in the theory of destiny for your love.
I believe the one who is made for me will come in my life in some way which god has already decided, so why should I worry about it...I should enkoy the time god has given me...
The first time I broke up with the Gurl I thought I truly loved....there was this thing that she used to say to me long before the break up "I will not be able to live without yew!!"
But interestingly the break-up gave her so much power that she is into another relationship now!! Lol......
Yes I know, that life does not stop for any has to keep on going did she....
Just for the record I have no grudges against her of any sort. I am just trying to give an example by that...
So if people can fall in love again and can that be love??
I think it has to be infatuation...I dont think we human beings are intelligent enough to understand the thin line between Love, Lust and Infatuation.
You think this is crap....OK!! Lemme prove it to yew....
The purest form of love that I know of today is that of Mother and her child....
Can a child after sometime start loving some other lady as her mother? NO!!!
That is what True love is......So I think I have proved it fairly well that people here mistake infatuation or Lust as love.
Im not trying to say that nobody in this world knows what love is.....
Yes there are people who know what love is....and they show it when required....
They show the strongness when it comes to standing by their partner.
One of my closest friends was into a relationship since 5 years. They both were deeply into love....or so we thought!! But when it came to marriage the gurl dint want to go against the wishes of her parents.....Yes parents are equally important but then if you know that this is going to occur then why did they fall into that relationship in the first place?
I have seen relationshps of 7 years falling apart just like a card house!!
Is that love!! Im sorry if that is what love is then im not interested to fall into it.
I guess it is better to be a free soul and take care of urself instead of the false emotions of the other person...
I hope you ppl can also tell me what love means to you.....may be im wrong in saying what I just said....but that is from my experience...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dear All
This is the main-gate of Bhangarh. If yew search by this name in Google...yewll get to know that this is the most haunted place in India.
As yew can see from this picture it is banned to enter the place between sunset and sunrise....which we didnt on....
Bhangarh was once a normal kingdom. There are many stories about the extinction of the people from this place but none of them give a proof of truthfulness...

As yew can see from this photograph....there isnt any roof of any of the houses there.
For this there is one theory that: There was some Tantrik who fell in love with the princess of bhangarh. But the King obviously thought otherwise...So this tantrik tried to use his Black Magic to his betterment and gave the Princess an oil which upon drinking she would come under his control.....The princess got to know this and hence threw the bottle onto a stone.....This oil showed the effect on the stone and the stone caused the death of the Tantrik. Upon his death he cursed the people of Bhangarh that they will die in a war and after that there would never be any life that would continue on this soil.....So much to this curse...there is not a single house in this area....the house that is there is about 5-10 Km away from this area....there are a lot of Temples which raises an eyebrow a bit.....though we didnt come face to face with one of them....Will continue....
I have thought a lot at times about what life actually is?
Is it the journey from birth to death or a journey from birth to the after death which no one has ever validated.
Is it the chase for money to give your loved ones the comfortable life that, you think they deserve?
But I could never come down to the conclusion, but one thing which was common everytime I thought about LIFE was the drifting off to sleep part!!!!
I see people of every level everyday, the richest and the poorest. People of both the sections live happily......though both crib on their respective levels.
Is Money so important that in the process of getting it we forget our values? We just follow the path which leads to MONEY...thinking about the path as just "Means to the End"
Is it fair?
In this Means to an end thing we forget that the people that we pull back in order to go up might at some time have been the ones who cared for us, or maybe who just let us overtake them to see us happy.
Most of the people in their love for money forget that "People are to be loved, and not used like things!"
But today how many of us have the time to think likewise....How many of us pay homage to the orphans instead of spending hefty amounts in Bars or Restaurants. I know whatever I am saying here is way too practical but then I think In one year instead of celebrating ur 6 Month Anniversary with your Girl-Friend can we donate that amount to an orphanage to show that you care not only for your Girl-Friend but also for Humanity.
Is it too much of an ask???
I dont think so......
And finally one night I came to understand that Life is not only about your own happiness but how happy can others be because of yew....that is what can give relief to your Heart and Mind....and calmness to your soul.....
Come on people lets atleast give it a hearty try!! Did we do something great that we were born in a good family, or lets put it this way... What wrong did they do that they have to suffer in that orphanage!!!
Sometimes I think how happy were the people when Money was not invented. There must not have been the agitated mind with the greed for money.
Today when I sit and analyse that Im sitting 1200 Km away from my home for earning money...But then can this money give me back the precious moments that I am loosing with my Family?
Im in deep thoughts that is money more important or love?
But I think most of the people today are in the same confusion and they keep running after money to buy love which is an illusion, and most of them keep running around this illusion till in the end they realise it was the other way round.
But life doesnt give second chances to rectify what has gone has lets hold on to the people who are really important in our life instead of running after something which is not as important!!!
I have thought a lot at times about what life actually is?
Is it the journey from birth to death or a journey from birth to the after death which no one has ever validated.
Is it the chase for money to give your loved ones the comfortable life that, you think they deserve?
But I could never come down to the conclusion, but one thing which was common everytime I thought about LIFE was the drifting off to sleep part!!!!
I see people of every level everyday, the richest and the poorest. People of both the sections live happily......though both crib on their respective levels.
Is Money so important that in the process of getting it we forget our values? We just follow the path which leads to MONEY...thinking about the path as just "Means to the End"
Is it fair?
In this Means to an end thing we forget that the people that we pull back in order to go up might at some time have been the ones who cared for us, or maybe who just let us overtake them to see us happy.
Most of the people in their love for money forget that "People are to be loved, and not used like things!"
But today how many of us have the time to think likewise....How many of us pay homage to the orphans instead of spending hefty amounts in Bars or Restaurants. I know whatever I am saying here is way too practical but then I think In one year instead of celebrating ur 6 Month Anniversary with your Girl-Friend can we donate that amount to an orphanage to show that you care not only for your Girl-Friend but also for Humanity.
Is it too much of an ask???
I dont think so......
And finally one night I came to understand that Life is not only about your own happiness but how happy can others be because of yew....that is what can give relief to your Heart and Mind....and calmness to your soul.....
Come on people lets atleast give it a hearty try!! Did we do something great that we were born in a good family, or lets put it this way... What wrong did they do that they have to suffer in that orphanage!!!
Sometimes I think how happy were the people when Money was not invented. There must not have been the agitated mind with the greed for money.
Today when I sit and analyse that Im sitting 1200 Km away from my home for earning money...But then can this money give me back the precious moments that I am loosing with my Family?
Im in deep thoughts that is money more important or love?
But I think most of the people today are in the same confusion and they keep running after money to buy love which is an illusion, and most of them keep running around this illusion till in the end they realise it was the other way round.
But life doesnt give second chances to rectify what has gone has lets hold on to the people who are really important in our life instead of running after something which is not as important!!!
Everything under the sun
Hello People
Here we will talk about everything under the Sun.....Nething that yew want to discuss.
Some life experiences that yew want to share which can help others.....Today is the first day of this Blog.....Help me to take care of this lil baby.....
Here we will talk about everything under the Sun.....Nething that yew want to discuss.
Some life experiences that yew want to share which can help others.....Today is the first day of this Blog.....Help me to take care of this lil baby.....
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