Everyday when I read the newspaper, there are new incidences of Rapes and Scams. Latest fad is the Rupee touching historic lows against dollar by the hour. We are making history by the Hour fellow Indians!
I am not an avid reader, but I read an article couple weeks back by Chetan Bhagat, where he talks about how we Indians argue on moral grounds and not factual grounds. People looking for moral arguments in this post may please stop here.
The article was regarding Food security bill (FSB). He says if you disagree with FSB, people will ridicule you because you are against poor people getting food. Shockingly, people like Amartya Sen, also feel so. They won’t talk about various problems in implementing the bill OR for that matter, how much jobs the same money could create, which in turn will feed the poor. While I agree with Chetan completely, I can’t help but remember a very famous proverb
`Give a man fish and you feed him for a day
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime`
All the congress wants is to create a generation which is dependent on the govt. for food. First, they paralyzed the economy, now they want to paralyze the whole nation.
I am in favor of helping the poor, but against our governments’ methods. The FSB will cost an estimated 1.25 Lac crore in the next 3-4 years. Who will pay for this? Ofcourse, we the taxpayers! Just like we paid for the Bofors, Common wealth games, VVIP choppers, etc. but, that is not the point. Even after paying, what is the guarantee that the poor will get food. Also, if they don’t have to work for their food, what will they be doing in their free time? They won’t have a job, that’s for sure, because off late we have been pro-corruption and pro-vote bank politics, who ever talked about creating jobs? I am surprised to hear Mr Chidambram telling the parliament that FSB will not increase the current account deficit which, unlike the rupee is at an all time high. Again, just like all the congress leaders, he doesn’t tell how or why. As a layman, I fail to understand how the govt. will spend 1.25 lac crore (No ROI for sure) and not increase the CAD.
The discussion in parliament is not about the methods of delivering this food, or how the corruption loopholes will be closed, but who will take the credit for the bill. The very next day, rupee falls to another all time low of 66 (Correction, between writing this and proof reading rupee has breached 68, Oh by the way Happy Janamashtami fellow Indians). Nothing’s surprising about that. Instead of owning up the mistakes, the FM says that the currency is undervalued. Yeah, blame everybody but the sheer vacuum that you have created where you keep sucking growth from whatever sector has it. Be it Land, Water or Air. They don’t care. Its election time! Procure the vote bank, who gives a rat’s ass about the general public as long as they are paying for the fraudulent LTC expenses of the MPs.
The only thing that has shown some character in a country failing at most indicators is the judiciary, well it has its shortcomings, but at least the intent is there. The latest good news was the July 2013 order of the apex court to bar any convict from contesting elections. It was a way to clean the law making machinery. Seems legit? Well, not in the eyes of our Law minister, Mr Sibal. Rajya sabha has passed a bill, which will negate this judgment of the apex court. In his statement in Rajya Sabha Mr Sibal goes on to blame the judiciary for making erroneous decisions. Sheer shamelessness is what I can say to you Mr Law Minister. I wish you could say this to MLAs who travel on inflated airline tickets. I wish judiciary had the power to make laws and not these educated illiterates sitting in the parliament. Nevertheless, the law will come into effect and we would continue to be ruled by Immoral people trying to teach a lesson of Morality to us. Is there a bigger irony?
The only thing that the congress is serious about is secularism, though the definition of secularism may not be known to them. If someone says growth for all, he is communal. If you are so much concerned about the minorities, in the past 55 years of rule show how your policies have improved the living conditions of the minorities. They can’t do that because it will blow up in their face. The only thing that this has lead to is a feeling in the country that we are a Punjabi, Tamil, Hindu, Muslim or whatever caste/creed/religion/region first and an Indian later. The British divided us then, Congress is carrying on the legacy.
The sentiment throughout the country is low to say the least, the jobs are not being created, there is no infrastructure growth, MNCs openly say India is the worst country to do business, industrial growth goes down month on month, only thing growing is the number of scams, the inflation, the prices, the CAD and not to mention the crime. I wish the elections are held soon for this trend to change.
A well written blog and a thoughtful idea. Keep writing bhanje. You have a perception, read and research to make it more profound. A good work. Proud of you.